Our oldest son, Jordan, turns 12 today. It seems impossible. Where did the time go since this afternoon 12 years ago?
Jordan, your dad and I wish you the happiest birthday ever. You've brought so much joy into our lives and gave us the privilege of being called "parents". I'll never forget how excited we were to finally see and hold you. We looked at you in awe, feeling a sort of love we'd never felt before. We remember how much fun those days were and how you grew, trying and doing new things - such a happy boy. But now you're almost shoulder-high to your dad and 12 years have passed in a flash. We celebrate who you are today and what God is making of you. He has so many plans for your life - we can't wait to watch and see what He does. Happy birthday, son.
Our love always,
Mom and Dad
Happy Birthday Jordan!!
The pictures are great.
Great pics. Love the one of him with his hands on his knee in front of a wall. My fave!!
Happy Birthday, Jordan! Great pics!
Happy Birthday Jordan! You are getting to be so grown up and handsom.It seems like yesterday when you were born. How time flies. I hope you had a good day!
Heather L.
Happy Birthday Jordan! Our Birthdays are close. Mine was on the 10th. I like your pictures. Wish we could come visit sometime. I miss you guys!
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