Sunday, July 22, 2007

Home Again!

Wow - it feels like forever since I've blogged and let me tell you, I've experienced withdrawals. I guess I hadn't realized how much I enjoyed doing this.

I cannot post what I want to right now - we're in the middle of our very busy Sunday, but I promise a "report" and pics of our 13-state, 1 foreign country, 5,750 mile trip very soon. Actually I don't know how many pics I can post because my camera officially died during our trip. Thanks to the generous gift of a friend, we were able to purchase a new camera - it is so necessary in our line of work - to help make the connection visually between our churches and pastors here in Mexico and our churches in the States.

Besides that, how can you truly blog without a great camera, right?

Steve, Beth and kids are with us for a few days and we're having a great time. Right now we're preparing to drive out to our village church in Cuchicuato to attend the evening service....and lots more plans for the next few days.

I loved checking everyone's blogs and getting reconnected with your lives.

I cannot say adequately what a wonderful time we had at Pell City and spending time with family and friends. But now we're glad to be back in Mexico, where God has called us to serve Him.

More later.....



Tamra said...

So glad you arrived home safely. Miss you guys already! Thanks for the anniversary greeting!

The Going Blog said...

I can't wait to hear all about your trip. I'm having a missionary meeting on Wed. Let me know of any new prayer needs or financial concerns you guys have that I can relay to our people if you get a chance.

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it home safely! It was so good to see you again, love you all and are praying for you.

The Dickinsons said...

Hey, We're glad that y'all got to go, and glad that you got back safely too! =) We're looking forward to reading the report. Sorry about the broken camera, but happy for the new one. =) I've enjoyed seeing some pics of y'all's visit on Tamra, and Janella's blogs.

My girls wanted me to Thank you for posting the website to Odessy, for they LOVE getting on there and listening to new stories, and we didn't know about it until we saw the link on your blog several months back. =)

Take care and have fun with Beth and Steve.
Love, Heather =)

Heather said...

It was so good to see you again!!! It just made us miss you all the more. Talk to you soon.

Springer Family said...

Glad you had a great time & made it home safely! I can't wait to read about your trip. Have a good week.

Myranda said...

Ok, everyone else may be waiting patiently for pics - but NOT me!! 8-)

Hurry up!

Love ya, of course!

Vonnie said...

Glad to know you made it back OK. I was wondering when you were to be back home. I loved the picture of Marc(and you all) at the Dixie Stampede(on Myranda's blog). That was hilarious. I so wish we could have seen you.

Watchman said...

Like they say, "El gato con guantes no caza ratones."
We are excited to hear that the gloves are off in learning the vernacular!!
Wishing you the best as you master the castellano...

Janella said...

So glad your long journey has ended and that you are safe and sound! We sure do miss you already! Sound like you are enjoying beig with Steve and Beth, I'm so glad! Take care!Love&prayersJanella