Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Happy Pantry... one with cans of Skyline Chili on its shelves.

A happy missionary family is one that has cans of Skyline Chili on the shelves of their pantry, after craving it for so long. :-)

Thanks, Steve!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Deysi and Ezekiel's wedding

Deisy and Ezekiel's wedding was just beautiful. I have lots more pictures over on my Facebook account - check them out there.

Marc did a wonderful job performing the ceremony (his first Spanish wedding). Logan was the Bible bearer and walked down the aisle with Christy, the flower girl.

The wedding party

Christy and Logan

So cute!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Independence Day 2009 in Mexico

To celebrate this special day in the land of our calling, we took the day off homeschool and headed out to explore Saltillo. We went to the Centro to look around. It was nicely decorated for the occasion.

Jordan just HAD to have some of those tacos when we went down to the centro. :-)

Love this picture of the Mexican hombres in the centro...just passin' the time.

My 3 boys sporting their Saltillo T-shirts.

brothers having fun...

Here's the game that Marc made up. The boys would swing as high as they could, then jump out of the swing, catch the football mid-air and land on the ground with the football still in their grasp. Yes "rough and tumble" is the name of the game with 3 boys.

Maybe the most amazing form of the snagged that ball and got points for this one!

Marc taking a moment to talk to some cute kids in the park.

Logan taking one of his turns....he caught the ball although it looks like it was at great cost! :-)

Jordan making the catch.

Now on to tackle football with Dad.

Oh, that thick green was sitting in this grass under a tree watching the game and snapping pictures.


Beautiful Mexican flying in the breeze on Independence Day 2009!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Viva Mexico!

This was the "grito" - the shout - that was heard last night at sundown in Dolores Hidalgo (a central Mexican city named for the hero of Mexican independence from Spain) and Mexican citizens throughout the country began to celebrate at that moment, continuing through the night and all day today - their day of Independence, 16 de septiembre. Mexico is 199 years old today!

We are giving the boys the day off homeschool and are heading to the centro in a few minutes to see the festivities...

Viva Mexico!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Grandparents Day!!

Marc and I are wishing our parents, Henry and Jan Miller and Leonard and Janet Sankey a wonderful Grandparents Day! Our children are so blessed to have your footsteps to follow. We love you!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fall 2009 Bible Institute Classes

Announcing the Fall 2009 Mexico Bible Methodist Institute Classes
in Salamanca, Guanajuato, Mexico
October 19 - 23, 2009: Monday - Friday

Visiting Professors will be:
  • Heartland BM Conference President G. Clair Sams and his wife, Melba, teaching classes on Church Leadership and Sis. Sams will be speaking to the ladies.

  • Hope International Missions Director Sidney Grant will be teaching classes on Eschatology and Hermeneutics.

Bible Institute President Eliezer Balderas will be teaching classes on Christian Education and Homiletics. Field Director Marc Sankey will be conducting Pastoral Mentoring Sessions. HIM Pastor Abel (Salamanca) will be teaching classes on Christian Life. The Sankeys will be teaching English Classes.

This promises to be a very full week of Biblical training and mentoring. Please help us pray for safety for our professors and pastors/families who will be traveling to the classes and for God's Spirit to rest on us during this special week.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Friend Time in the Afternoon

Jazhiel and Marlene (Pastor Dolores and Sylvia's 2 middle children) go to school in the morning. So this afternoon, while the rain amazingly held off and when Logan was finished with his schoolwork, Jazhiel and Marlene brought their bikes over and had a great time playing together.

Off to the park!

3 cute kids...Logan loves his friends. I think he thinks he's one of them. :-) and in most ways, he is.

(Our house and Sequoia in the background)

High Water

It has rained so much in Saltillo's the "lake" we have to cross to get to church. This is one of the main roads where HEB (our nice grocery store) is located. The drainage system on the roads obviously leaves alot to be desired. And really this picture doesn't do it justice at all; right, Beth?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Friends and "arepas"

We have recently made some wonderful new friends in our colonia! Quite by accident, I might say. Our boys, while playing with the neighborhood kids in the park, had kicked their soccer ball over the wall of the neighboring house. :-( Anyway...we met Jason and Aurora when we went to retrieve the ball. Imagine our surprise to meet English-speaking neighbors!

We have so much enjoyed getting to know them. They invited us to their home last Saturday for dinner - Venezuelan arepas. Aurora is from Venezuela.

They were so delicious - thanks, Aurora and Jason!
You can see the arepas on Marc's plate. They are similar to gorditas (if you know what those are), made with white corn meal, fried in a skillet, and then stuffed with delicious steak, peppers, onions, and cheese - so good!

Aurora and I have enjoyed walking around the colonia together and hope to do it again soon. If this rain will ever go away!

Special Song by the Men

The men of the Saltillo Church sang a special song tonight in the service. They did so good!

Marc and Bro. Jose Correa sang a duet on part of the song.

The easiest donuts ever...

If you're in the mood for fresh donuts and only have a can of refrigerated biscuits on hand, you're in luck! :-)

Cut them in pieces, fry them in oil until lightly browned, roll in white sugar (or sugar and cinnamon) and eat while warm....yumm! delicious!

Marlene and her new bike

The Auburn Bible Methodist Church (Heartland) has sent 12 brand new bikes to Mexico as gifts for our Mexican children. Marlene, our pastor's daughter, was the first to receive one. Her smile says it all!

English Tutor Sessions with Melisa

Melisa's afternoon school schedule doesn't allow her to come to the Monday evening English classes, so I am tutoring her in my home on Saturday mornings. In exchange for the class, she's helping me with housework when we're finished with the lesson. I'm loving it. :-)

That day, Tere also came and helped me out in the house and with the yard work. Love these girls!

First Day of School

Yes, I know, I'm late. Our first day of homeschool was 2 weeks ago and I'm just now blogging about it. I have my excuses but..... :-)

Jordan has made the transition into High School - he's in 9th grade this year.

Cameron is in 7th and Logan is in 5th.