Preparing for Wednesday night prayer meeting at your church?
Here's a quick list of prayer requests and praises to share with you from Mexico BMMissions and our family...
1. Marc's continued recovery - he is doing well!
2. A newly saved couple from the church in Cuchicuato (central Mexico), Bro. Juan and his wife and family, have felt God's call to the ministry and are enrolling in our Bible Institute classes to prepare themselves to be our next new pastors - so exciting!
3. New church plants are being started by quite a few of our existing churches; pastors and people are cooperating to take the Gospel to completely new areas.
4. Recent donation of a 15 passenger van, trailer and a motorcycle for use here in Mexico - big blessing!
5. God's protection on our family as we have traveled through some dangerous areas in Mexico.
Prayer Requests:
1. We are beginning revival here in our Saltillo church tonight - evangelist Bro. Abel Rodriguez, HIM pastor from Salamanca. We have passed out hundreds of announcements in the community...praying that God will give us new souls in this revival
2. a great grandson of Pastor Desi, pastor in San Gabriel, Oaxaca, has been ill in the hospital and has had an operation.
3. our Spring 2010 Bible Institute Classes are coming up soon here in Saltillo - March 29 - April 2. Visiting Professors: Dan Stetler and Paul Alexander
4. please pray for the indigenization process in Mexico...our pastors are gradually being taken off monthly US support/offerings and we are praying for God to supply their needs.
5. Our National Conference President Dolores Hernandez and his family - the responsibilities he carries for the conference as well as pastoring his church in Saltillo and the 2 missions in Zacatecas.
6. Our Bible Institute President Eliezer Balderas and his family - much preparation is taking place for the upcoming classes.
Thanks so much for your support and prayers for our family and Bible Methodist Missions in Mexico!
Melodie Sankey