Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sunday Services and time with "Uncle" John

We had 2 wonderful missions services on Sunday in Manchester, TN and Chattanooga, TN. Thank you so much to Pastors Watkins and Hutchison for the wonderful meals and accomodations and to churches and pastors for the generous love offerings and support.

It was great to meet some new friends and to get reacquainted with some "old" friends, as well. The last time I personally attended some of these churches was as a teenager so my brain is scrambling to remember faces and names at times...thanks for being patient, everyone!

"Uncle" John Parker attended our evening service in Chattanooga - it was so good to see him again! On Monday, he took us to Cracker Barrel for lunch - delicious! Thanks for taking time to be with us, Bro. Parker, to listen to our travel tales and to give us your support and counsel. We love you.

Our boys always love being with Uncle John - he spoils them. When we were pulling away from the restaurant, Cameron said, "Uncle John's just awesome!"


Springer Family said...

Hey! Great pictures lately. I've not had much time to comment but I've tried to keep up with you all! Can't wait til you get back to see you!! Kamryn will be half grown up by then! BTW, I noticed your boys are growing up too. Kids change so much in a few months time! Enjoy your travels!

Vonnie said...

Loved all these new posts. Enjoyed the pictures too!!

John Parker said...

Very sweet of you to say those nice things Melodie! Uncle John loves to be with you guys!! YOU'Re THE BEST!!!

Dorothy Bowen Klass said...

I've always thought alot of Uncle John. He truly is a friend when you need one.