We so enjoyed sharing our missionary work yesterday with 2 wonderful churches, Tuscaloosa and Glencoe Bible Methodist Churches. New Share Supporters joined our team, very generous love offerings were given and delicious meals were provided. Thank you to Pastors Fowler and Crotts and wonderful church people!

Bro. Fowler playing the offertory in Tuscaloosa - beautiful!

And here are Bro. and Sis. Randall Crotts - we enjoyed being with them again.

Here I am pictured with my first two "church mamas" - Gelene Hodge and Janeice Helms. I was born while my parents were pastoring in Glencoe. These ladies held and took care of me and yes, spoiled me rotten - and I think their husbands and kids joined right in the spoiling too!

Marc and the boys unloading and setting up at Glencoe.

Not sure what "wild tale" Bro. Crotts was telling but everyone seemed to be enjoying it!
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