Bro. Redman talking with Pastor Alejandro from Jayacatlan (Oaxaca)
Marc teaching one of his classes on Expository preaching.
Tamra and Jillian helping to put together the packages.
Writing the cards to the pastors' wives...
The things included in the packages were items like: a Bible study book: Como Llegar Ser una Mujer de Oracion/How to Become a Woman of Prayer, dish towels and dish cloths, Bath and Body Works Lotion, doilies, note pads, journals, sets of note cards, and several other wonderful items! Your response to this project warmed my heart and I know will bless the hearts of our precious pastors' wives. Thank you.
The pastors' wives packages lined up on the pew waiting to be picked up.
Sister Adalia receiving her gift.
Sister Macedonia with her gift
Sister Isela receiving her gift.
Sister Sylvia receiving her package.
One of our new converts from the Cuchicuato church...such a sweet lady.
Thank You....
Special thanks to host Pastors Dolores and Sylvia Hernandez who were in charge of so many details including housing, food prepation/meals, cleaning, table and chair rental...and more.
Special thanks to President and wife Eli and Isela Balderas, in charge of administration of the Bible Institute, class schedule, record keeping for each student, chairing each class session...and more.
Special thanks to Professors Redman and Craycraft for coming and teaching in the Bible Institute - their clear, Biblical teaching was so important for our pastors and lay people.
Special thanks to our coworkers, the Stetlers - to have them sharing the load with us is a special blessing.
Special thanks to each of you who give financially to Student Aid/Mexico Bible Institute, who prayed for us this past week - without your support we could not be ministering to our pastors and lay people in this way. May God bless you.
Beautiful closing to all your hard work....and what a great group of students! I know you all certainly worked sooo hard to do what you you need a REST!
Take care, see you this week sometime, Lord willing!
The gifts turned out so pretty, Melodie!
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