Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring Convencion/Revival in Soledad

We just returned home late this afternoon from attending 3 days of the revival at our border church in Soledad; Pastors: Homero and Esther Luna. We had a wonderful time with our friends there, with others who journeyed in to support the revival, and with former Mexico BMMissions Field Superintendents Edwin and Rita Tomes. It was so wonderful to see them again and to be privileged to hear Bro. Edwin preach. His ministry was anointed and blessed, and the Lord's presence was there in a special way throughout the revival.

Bro. Edwin and Sis. Rita....the Mexican people were sooooo happy to see them again!

Marc gave the Saturday morning Bible Study and did a good job; several seekers around the altar at the close of the study.

Here are a few pictures of the event to share with you.

The ladies of the church sang several special songs for the revival.

The men did the same.

Bro. Edwin and Pastor Homero sang and played their guitars in ministry in Mexico and the US for many years. It was great to hear them minister again.

Pastor Homero and his daughter Edith (pastors' wife at Rio Bravo) sang a special song last night, blessed by the Lord's presence. A wonderful altar service followed.

Bro. Edwin preaching

After the service this morning, Sylvia and I got all our kids up front and took pictures - this is quite a group, I tell you. If they look a little hot and sweaty, it's because they were.....Easter Sunday dawned nice and hot in the Valley region.

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