For some time I have been wanting to host a special activity for the girls and ladies of our church here in Saltillo. A few weeks ago, several of them were at my house on Sunday afternoon for "English time" - learning a few words, basic conversation, etc...and were looking at my scrapbooks. They expressed interest in learning how to scrapbook. And right then I knew....we need to have a scrapbook party! I love to scrapbook but in the last few years I just haven't had time to do it. I decided to pull out all my supplies and share with my friends for our first Mexican Scrapbook Party.
Let me just say right now - I couldn't have done this without the help of my wonderful friend, Tere Hernandez. She has been great to help me with the announcements, and the organization of the event. She was so great at it, in fact, that we had to move the meeting from my house to the church fellowship building because of the number of ladies she recruited.
Also for all the great coaching from my sister, Myranda, on how to set up, help them get started, etc. thanks, sis!
I brought ham and cheese sandwiches, tostados with beans, drinks, and a cake. Each one enjoyed a little "cena" as they organized their pictures and got ready to begin. I laid out my supplies: papers, embellishments, stickers in a way that I hoped would make sense. I also displayed the 5 albums I have done for them to look at and get ideas. I also laid out "kits" to get started at each ladies' place: paper, contrasting paper, stickers, etc....
When everyone had arrived (14 in all), we stopped to have a special time of prayer together. Although our girls and ladies may not always be very vocal about sharing their problems and burdens, I happen to know that many of them are going through difficult times. I asked them to remember that we're not alone: we have sisters, family, sisters in the Lord, to help us, who are many times going through similar difficulties, and most of all to remember that we have the Lord to help us, our Friend who understands us even when no one else does. I asked them to pray for the person on their right and asked Tere to lead us in prayer. It was so special. Tears were shed and I believe the ladies'/girls' hearts were encouraged. I know mine was.
Then...we got started. I gave a very simple demonstration on how to begin with the kits they had before them. I pointed out where the paper, supplies, cutters, embellishments were, etc....I asked if they had any questions. They had several and we talked about them. Then I just stepped back and let them begin. And begin they did! My goodness, some of them picked up those kits and had a layout arranged before I could blink. Others headed for the paper table to choose what they wanted, others went to choose embellishments...and we were off! For the next 2 1/2 hours, they scrapped. I walked around observing their layouts and was amazed. Finally I asked - "Have y'all ever done this before?" They assured me that they had not. I couldn't believe it - they did great!
I served cake around 9:00 and things wound down around 10. I am so happy with how our first scrapbook party went and as the ladies were leaving, almost all of them asked when our next meeting was...I assured them that it would be very soon - probably in May.
My next task is to get them albums to put their pages in. I can't find them anywhere here in Saltillo - and am planning to look for them when we go to the border region next week for the revival in Soledad. Do you have an extra album lying around that you're not going to use? I'm sure the ladies would just love to have it - none of them have their own right now.
Hope you enjoy the pictures. :)
Choosing their photos and enjoying a sandwich.
These precious ladies, Sisters Ofelia and Felicity, scrapbooking for the first time ever.

Gloria has so much talent and creativity - she came up with some beautiful layouts.

Choosing their papers

Ana creating a beautiful layout of her and her husband, Jose.

Love this picture of their hands at work. :)

A beautiful layout that Kareen did of her Quinceaneara...the brown paper underneath is not part of the layout.

My friend, Tere, creating her layout of her graduation from Latin American Bible Institute, several years ago.

Jenifer and her sister, Kareen, have tons of creative talent.

Pastor Dolores came in several times to observe and to enjoy a sandwich, tostados and cake. He was kinda trying to hide from the camera, but we couldn't let that happen. :)

Jazhiel and Logan, together as always...they wanted to try their hand at the cutters. I think these boys would gladly go live with the other one. :)

Looks wonderful, Mel. I'm so proud of you! You did an excellent job at explaining and describing what to do - otherwise, these dear ladies wouldn't have created such beautiful pages.
I am getting stuff together to send down - PLEASE don't hold your breath as to when it will get there.
Love you!!
Thanks, Mand! love you too...don't worry, I never hold my breath for anything here on the mission field. :)
This looks so wonderful. Those ladies were having a great time, you can tell it! I'm sure Pastor Dolores was really wanting to get his hands on the scrapbooking too! :)
Melodie, this looks like it was so much fun!! I am so proud of you, and you've got a great group of ladies there! I think this needs to be included as one of the Institute classes!!
Melodie, I'm your "other sister" and I just wanted you to know that Laura, Moma and I were holding your meeting up in prayer as we were preparing for and having our meetings! We just felt like "another one of our family" was having a meeting too! =) So glad to see that God helped you! The ladies did a great job making their pages! =)
God really helped me and my ladies group. It was well attended and the Ladies LOVED the time! I plan to post about it today. The next morning I woke up to NO WATER! I praised the Lord ALL DAY on Friday that that had NOT HAPPENED on Thursday...the day of my meeting! =)
Have a super weekend in Jesus!
Forgot to add that God really helped Laura in her meeting for the young ladies too! Isn't it so neat that God can be helping me with my group in Colombia, helping Laura with hers in Ohio and helping you with yours in Mexico? We serve A GREAT BIG WONDERFUL GOD!
How fantastic! Mmm, the food selections sounded yummy! From the looks of things, your first scrapbook party went very well!! Great job!
Leave it to you, Mel, to come up with something creative like this to minister to these precious ladies. And a whole new way to connect! Great job! You know it was a success if they are already asking when the next party with be.
Love the idea and the pictures Melanie! You are doing such a great job with your ministry there with those ladies! May God continue to bless you!
Love you,
I have some scrapbook stuff I don't use and would love to send it your way. Let me know where I can send it.
Enjoyed looking at your did a great job!
AWESOME! Everyone looks like they are having so much fun! May God continue to bless the wonderful work you are doing in Mexico!
It looks like you and the the ladies had a great time. It reminds me of all the fun times we had together scrapbooking.
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